Paperwork/Info to Bring for Divorce Meeting

What information or paperwork do I need to bring with me to my first appointment with a divorce lawyer?

For the initial filing, your attorney will need the full names of both parties, the full names and dates of birth of your children, and the dates of marriage and separation.

If you have already been served with a citation and original petition for divorce, you should bring those documents with you.

Information regarding any previous marriages, prenuptial agreements, or ongoing legal proceedings, such as bankruptcy, will also be necessary.

Once the divorce proceedings have begun, your attorney will provide you with a check list of the information you need to gather.

This list will include items such as bank statements, tax returns, paycheck stubs, credit card statements, real estate deeds and mortgage documents, investment and retirement account statements, and insurance policies.

This information will assist your attorney in determining how the assets and debts will be divided, as well as in calculating the appropriate amount of child support.

Being financially aware and organized is the best way to be prepared not only for your divorce proceedings, but for your future as well.
